This Labor Day, Billy and I headed over to West Philadelphia. It's very different from Center City. There's more greenery. It's a hipster neighborhood for sure. Along the way we passed a Quidditch practice on Penn's campus, a Pagan festival at Clark Park, and a giant teepee. Enjoy!
Independence Day: Papa Mondt Comes to Town
For most people, July 4th weekend was all about celebrating this country's birthday. Sure, I'm patriotic, but it was also the final weekend of the Women's World Cup and that's where my attention was. Papa Mondt also paid a visit that weekend and we both share a die-hard love of football, I mean soccer...
Again, rented a Lumoid lens for the weekend. This time, I wasn't as keen on it, but you live and learn (and that's the whole point of this service, right?). I did get a couple cool experimental shots using the Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM Lens.
2015 Flower Show. But, where's the paparazzi?
Last week, I went to the 2015 International Flower Show, put on by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. I'm not really one to understand gardening, nor do I attempt to even remotely know which flowers are which, but that's not why I go to the Flower Show. It's about imagination. It's about how you take a movie, say Peter Pan, and translate it in florals. It's art. It's not your grandmother's priceless rose bushes. That's dull. You'll see what I mean. Oh, and before I just head into the photography of it all....thank you to Green Philly Blog for the free tickets!