
UX | Project Management


About MetroMBA...

MetroMBA is a digital media property where business school applicants can research local full-time, part-time, executive MBA programs. 

Initial Design of MetroMBA

Initial Design of MetroMBA

Design Process...

Knowing that it's critical to redesign or refresh one's website, we have begun the redesign process. We kept in mind that our end goal was an increase in user engagement with news content as well as "ever green" school profiles. 

Working closely with the Managing Editor, I sketched (analog-style with pen and paper) and then built out wireframes using Adobe Illustrator. 

Through discussions with the wider team, I reiterated the wireframes and worked with a web developer to set forth a realistic schedule for implementation. 

On the homepage...

We swapped out the banner that we felt rotated rather slowly and only featured at most one news article to new visitors that land on the homepage. 

One other subtle difference was the addition of the newsletter CTA to the top of the sidebar. In the first design, there was a newsletter CTA at the bottom of the page, which is easy to miss.

Stay tuned for more...